Thursday, April 23, 2015

Writing Carrie Bradshaw-Style, Somewhat

I have a confession to make. Lately I've been craving McGriddles, those McDonalds breakfast sandwiches made with pancakes instead of an english muffin or biscuit or bagel. There is no way in hell McGriddles can possibly be good for me, yet I can't stop thinking about eating them.

It's like the quesarito from Taco Bell. You know, the burrito inside a quesadilla filled with that disgusting fake nacho cheese, and it's so terrible and so good at the same time!

Why do we always crave things that are bad for us? Like fast food, french fries, chocolate. Like how All Girls Want Bad Boys (or Bad Girls in my case). Like how I always seem to fall for straight girls who are completely unavailable?

There. That's the closest I'll get to a Carrie Bradshaw-style question. Now excuse me while I go back to eating this McGriddle while marathoning Sex and the City season 2.

All pictures and gifs belong to HBO.
Gossip Ghoul

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