Thank you so much for sharing with me this fantastic day of Twilight love and blogging. It's been a great experience. I'm looking through my stats, and I've had so many page views, yay! I should do this again sometime. There are plenty of YA books with film adaptations, like The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Divergent, Warm Bodies, The Host, et cetera, and the Vampire Academy movie comes out on DVD in May. This'll be fun.
"...into our perfect piece of forever."
Breaking Dawn final page.
Gossip Ghoul
Words and ramblings by Aurora Knightsblood as she tries to make her way as a writer. Home of the Hell's Bells Series, with its first book Evil Walks, releasing in weekly chapters.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
#TwilightForever: Bella’s Strength
Another parallel to mention: Bella started out as the
weakest physically, but now she is the strongest, even more so than Emmett, who
was previously the strongest Cullen. Her shield is also the strongest of
everyone’s powers, and see the importance here: wanting to protect the people
she loves has always been her foremost characteristic, and now she can do so on
a large scale in a way that is more powerful and potent than any offensive
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#TwilightForever: Garrett
Can I just say how utterly fantastic Lee Pace is as Garrett?
Another excellent casting of a side character! Honestly, I wish he could have a
solo movie because he does such an incredible job. His performance is part of
why Breaking Dawn Part 2 is my favorite film of The Twilight Saga,
and even for his small screen time he fits in among the Cullens and Denali
coven as easily as if he had always been. And the way he looks at Kate – their
romance is adorable.
Lee Pace is also wonderful as the elven king Thranduil in The
Hobbit movies, and Thranduil was always my favorite character in The
Hobbit, so Lee Pace is just all around awesome, I think.
Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Bella’s First Hunt
The scene of Bella hunting the deer is a direct parallel to
the opening of the first film. Only this time, Bella is no longer the fragile
deer. She is the strong and fierce mountain lion, which is why she chooses the
latter as her prey instead.
Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Thanks for watching the first part of Breaking Dawn with me! The second part begins at 7:00 pm. This final film is my favorite of The Twilight Saga. It truly is.
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Keeping The Baby
Let’s take a moment to talk about Bella’s immense courage in
choosing to keep this baby. The Volturi have set a deadline (emphasis on the dead
part) by which she must be turned. This is her one and only chance to have a
child, and to Bella, who thought she was giving up children, this miracle is a
big deal to her. She feels an instant emotional connection to unborn Renesmee,
and losing that would be far more painful than what she suffers having the
baby. For Rosalie, this is also her only chance to have a baby, albeit
vicariously. Together their alliance and newfound sisterhood prevail when
others in the family want to sacrifice the baby to save Bella. This is also
another example of Bella standing by her choices with conviction and refusing
to be swayed.
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#TwilightForever: Isle Esme
Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Breaking Dawn Part 1
Thanks for watching Eclipse with me! Because of problems with my laptop and Blogger, I have not embedded all the videos I had in this blog and will be posting most of them to Twitter, but since I have my Twitter feed attached to this blog (look to the side and turn on scripts if you have them turned off like I usually do), you should still be able to get to them. Anyways, at 4:45 starts Breaking Dawn Part 1, and I'll be using the hashtag #BD1 for that. Because it's shorter. And I'm kinda lazy. Plus it takes up less character space.
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Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: Rosalie’s Backstory
I’m glad they include the backstories for Rosalie and Jasper
in the Eclipse movie, since it always disappointed me that they left out
Alice and Carlisle’s backgrounds in the first movie. There is something
important to note in Rosalie’s story, though – more important than developing
her character.
Rosalie was raped, but she did not allow herself to become a
She empowered herself, took back her body for herself, and
made sure neither her assailants nor anyone else could ever hurt her again. And
Rosalie has never needed a man to defend her.
Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Bella’s Family
It is a BIG deal for Bella to give up her family to become a
vampire. She loves Charlie and Renee so much, and Renee’s gift of the quilt
almost brings her to tears. At the same time, for both Charlie and Renee Bella
was always the caretaker, the parent. Among the Cullens she is also part of the
family, and even as a human she feels that she fits in better in her new family
than her old one.
Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Meet Bree Tanner
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by
Stephenie Meyer, page 1.
#TwilightForever: Defending Edward For Sabotaging Bella’s Truck
OK, not gonna lie, messing with her engine is a dick move.
But let’s just look at this from Edward’s point of view for a moment. The
werewolves are hot-tempered and prone to violence. Sam lost control of his
temper and viciously clawed the face of the woman he loves – the woman on whom
he’s imprinted. Not to mention that many of the wolves are already suspicious
of Bella for her association with the Cold Ones. Add to that the fact that
Edward can’t go over there to protect her, nor will he know if she’s in danger
because Alice won’t see her with the wolves. All of that together equals a very
worried Edward. He sincerely believes he’s doing the right thing to protect
Plus he doesn’t trust Jacob not to make a move on her.
Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Riley’s Devotion
Riley believes Victoria changed him because she loves him and is willing to do anything for her, including creating a vampire army. In a way, Riley serves as a foil for Edward; both are equally devoted and obsessed with the woman they love and essentially do anything she says (with the exception of changing Bella). However, Riley doesn’t have much control over his army and has no control or power in his relationship with Victoria. Edward, on the other hand, while physically stronger than Bella, is an equal partner in their relationship.
Only one of these couples gets their happily ever after.
Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: Chop And Change
Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times, Eclipse soundtrack, for introducing me to this great song! I love Chop and Change's classic rock feel to it. I also love how they flesh out Riley more in the film. Since the book is from Bella's point of view, she never really interacts with Riley, and it's great to see screen time for him.
Gossip Ghoul.
Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: Fire And Ice
"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice."
-- Robert Frost
This is is epigraph for Eclipse, and Bella reads it at the beginning of the film. Obviously, the ice represents Edward and becoming a vampire, while the fire represents hot-blooded Jacob and staying warm and human. Both ice and fire are destructive, and she must choose one life or the other.
Gossip Ghoul.
Picture belongs to Summit.
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice."
-- Robert Frost
This is is epigraph for Eclipse, and Bella reads it at the beginning of the film. Obviously, the ice represents Edward and becoming a vampire, while the fire represents hot-blooded Jacob and staying warm and human. Both ice and fire are destructive, and she must choose one life or the other.
Gossip Ghoul.
Picture belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Eclipse
Thanks for watching New Moon with me! Next up is Eclipse, starting at 2:35 pm!
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Pictures and video belong to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Pictures and video belong to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Meet Me On The Equinox
This song by Death Cab For Cutie is the second credits song and my favorite of the New Moon soundtrack.
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: A White Demon Love Song
I love this kinda creepy song by the Killers. This is the first credits song, after the Alexandre Desplat score, that is.
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Slow Life
This is the song when Bella is underwater, unsure whether to sink and stay with her hallucinations or to swim towards life, while Victoria watches.
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Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: Laurent's Return
Another deleted scene:
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Meet The Volturi
The Volturi are some of the excellently cast side characters in the Twilight Saga films, particularly Michael Sheen as Aro.
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: I Belong To You
Another song by Muse, of course, and it also symbolizes how Edward and Bella still belong together, even though they're apart.
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Victoria
I really wish they'd kept this scene. Victoria's such a badass and such a bitch at the same time. I love her.
Gossip Ghoul.
Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul.
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Bike Crash
Ever the klutz, Bella crashes her bike in this deleted scene:
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Possibility
I will never not cry when Edward leaves or when Bella sinks into her depression. Possibility by Lykke Li summarizes Bella's feelings here completely.
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Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: The Violet Hour
The Violet Hour by Sea Wolf, an odd love ballad.
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Birthday Presents
An extended scene at school:
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Video belongs to Summit.
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Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Birthday Cake
An extended scene of Bella's birthday party:
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Life After Twilight
Another behind the scenes look, this one from the New Moon special features:
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: New Moon's Score
Alexandre Desplat scored New Moon, and his music is breathtakingly beautiful. All the Twilight Saga films have lovely music, but New Moon's is by far the best and most haunting.
Gossip Ghoul.
Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: New Moon's Original Epigraph
Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night;
Give me my Romeo; and, when I shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night...
—Romeo and Juliet Act III scene ii
According to Stephenie Meyer's website, the passage above was the original epigraph for New Moon, but she changed it to one with far darker foreshadowing. Even so, the original was very romantic and dark and very fitting for Edward and Bella's love.
Gossip Ghoul.
Give me my Romeo; and, when I shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night...
—Romeo and Juliet Act III scene ii
According to Stephenie Meyer's website, the passage above was the original epigraph for New Moon, but she changed it to one with far darker foreshadowing. Even so, the original was very romantic and dark and very fitting for Edward and Bella's love.
Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: New Moon
Thank you for watching Twilight with me! Next up in the marathon is New Moon, starting at 12:15 pm!
Talk to you soon!
Gossip Ghoul
Pictures and video belong to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Decode
The third credits song, and my absolute favorite from the Twilight soundtrack:
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Hayley Williams Loves Twilight
A little behind the scenes look at Paramore's work for Twilight:
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Leave Out All The Rest
Linkin Park was another inspiration of Stephenie Meyer's. Bella even listens to a Linkin Park CD in the book given to her by her stepfather Phil. The song Leave Out All The Rest is the second credits song.
Gossip Ghoul.
Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: Flightless Bird
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine is the second song played at prom. Oh, how badly I wanted Edward to bite Bella during this scene in the book.
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Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: Go All The Way
Go All The Way Into The Twilight by Perry Farrell is the first song from the prom scene.
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Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: Stephenie Meyer's Muse
Stephenie Meyer has always listed Muse as one of her inspirations for Twilight:
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul.
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Supermassive Black Hole
The music from the vampire baseball scene:
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Vampire Baseball
To me, the vampire baseball scene is an important insight into the Cullen family. They cling to their humanity through being a family, and this is a perfect example of how they support each other as a family so that they can have the strength together to continue on in their difficult and challenging lifestyle.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Bella's Lullaby
Bella's Lullaby is such a beautiful and romantic piece of music that exemplifies Edward's devotion and infatuation.
Gossip Ghoul.
Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: Bad Vamps
A deleted scene showing the coven of evil vampires: Laurent, James, and Victoria:
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Esme & Carlisle
Another deleted scene, this one showing that Esme and Carlisle are truly the most adorable couple in Twilight:
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Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: The Meadow
"Edward in the sunlight was shocking. I couldn’t get used to it, though
I’d been staring at him all afternoon. His skin, white despite the faint
flush from yesterday’s hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands
of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. He lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare. His glistening, pale lavender lids were shut, though of course he didn't sleep. A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, glittering like crystal."
-- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, page 260.
Everything is better with sparkles. Trust me on that one.
Gossip Ghoul.
Pictures belong to Summit.
-- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, page 260.
Everything is better with sparkles. Trust me on that one.
Gossip Ghoul.
Pictures belong to Summit.
#TwilightForever: She's Not One Of Us
This is a brief deleted scene from Twilight:
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: The Vampires of Twilight
Another behind the scenes look:
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Video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul.
Video belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Irrevocably
“About three things I was absolutely positive. First,
Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him – and I didn’t know how
potent that part might be – that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was
unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.”
n Twilight
by Stephenie Meyer, page 195.
Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: The Cullen Crest
The Cullen Crest
Each member of the Cullen family wears the crest in some
way. The boys all have wristbands. Rosalie has a pendant, and Alice has a
choker. According to Catherine Hardwicke in the Twilight Director’s Notebook,
the hand at the top of the crest represents faith or sincerity (aka their faith
in Carlisle and each other), and the three clovers at the bottom represent
perpetuity or eternity (since they’re immortal). She says the lion is for
strength and ferocity (vampiric nature), and of course it’s a reference to the
famous line “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…” (Twilight
page 274).
Gossip Ghoul
#TwilightForever: Stephenie Meyer's Dream
Here's a little behind the scenes look:
This video belongs to Summit.
Gossip Ghoul
This video belongs to Summit.
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#TwilightForever Definition of Twilight
According to, the definition of the word twilight is as follows:
1. the soft, diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, either from daybreak to sunrise or, more commonly, from sunset to nightfall.
2. the period in the morning or, more commonly, in the evening during which this light prevails.
3. a terminal period, especially after full development, success, etc.: the twilight of his life.
4. a state of uncertainty, vagueness, or gloom.
#TwilightForever: My Name Is Edward Cullen
"'Hello,' said a quiet, musical voice.
I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me. He was sitting as far away from me as the desk allowed, but his chair was angled toward me. His hair was dripping wet, disheveled -- even so, he looked like he'd just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel. His dazzling face was friendly, open, a slight smile on his flawless lips. But his eyes were careful.
'My name is Edward Cullen,' he continued. 'I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella Swan.'"
-- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, page 43.
Gossip Ghoul
Pictures belong to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Meet The Cullens
"I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful."
--Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, page 19.
"I felt a surge of pity, and relief. Pity because, as beautiful as they were, they were outsiders, clearly not accepted. Relief that I wasn’t the only newcomer here, and certainly not the most interesting by any standard."
Gossip Ghoul
Picture belongs to Summit.
--Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, page 19.
"I felt a surge of pity, and relief. Pity because, as beautiful as they were, they were outsiders, clearly not accepted. Relief that I wasn’t the only newcomer here, and certainly not the most interesting by any standard."
-- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, page 22.
Gossip Ghoul
Picture belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Meet Jacob Black
Why did they feel the need to introduce Jacob so early? In the book, Bella remembered Billy, Jacob's father, from her childhood, but she didn't meet Jacob until the group outing to La Push. In the movie, however, the two are set up as old friends.
The answer, of course, is to give Jacob more screen time for the Team Jacob fans. Sigh. It makes sense from a filmmaker's point of view, especially since he is an important character for subsequent films, and it draws in more of the fans. It's just one of those details they changed that bothers me.
But then again, I'm biased because I am very Team Edward.
Gossip Ghoul.
Picture belongs to Summit.
The answer, of course, is to give Jacob more screen time for the Team Jacob fans. Sigh. It makes sense from a filmmaker's point of view, especially since he is an important character for subsequent films, and it draws in more of the fans. It's just one of those details they changed that bothers me.
But then again, I'm biased because I am very Team Edward.
Gossip Ghoul.
Picture belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Forks's Greenery
"It was beautiful, of course; I couldn't deny that. Everything was green: the trees. their trunks covered with moss, their branches hanging with a canopy of it, the ground covered with ferns. Even the air filtered down greenly through the leaves.
It was too green -- an alien planet."
-- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, page 8.
I've heard complaints from people about the green color palette used in the movie, but I feel it really fits well with Bella's own description of Forks. It's one of those details that helps immerse the reader into the book, and I feel it translated over well into the film.
Gossip Ghoul.
Picture belongs to Summit.
#TwilightForever: Full Moon
The first song in the film from the Twilight soundtrack is Full Moon by the Black Ghosts. It has a lovely haunting sense to it, and its lyrics speak of going home after a journey. Traveling to Forks is Bella's journey, and it takes a lot of courage and maturity for her to take it.
Gossip Ghoul.
All pictures belong to Summit.
#TwilightForever Twilight: How I Would Die
"I'd never given much thought to how I would die -- though I'd had reason enough in the last few months -- but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this.
I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.
Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something.
I knew that if I'd never gone to Forks, I wouldn't be facing death now. But, terrified as I was, I couldn't bring myself to regret the decision. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.
The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me."
-- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, page 1.
This opening is so symbolic. The soft, fragile, feminine doe is running away from a bloodthirsty predator. The doe, of course, is Bella and her innocence, and the unseen predator is representative both of Edward and of James, after her blood. Bella's monologue taken from the preface of the book, however, which is a preview of how she will stand by the decisions she's made and is perfectly willing to protect the people she cares about with her life. In other, when push comes to shove, she will not run away like the deer. She stands firm to face the hunter. This conviction is one of the many things I admire about Bella, and it's something she shows repeatedly throughout the series.
Gossip Ghoul.
All pictures belong to Summit.
#TwilightForever Twilight Epigraph
The epigraph to Twilight:
"But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die.
Genesis 2:17."
This quote mirrors the apple on the cover of the book. According to author Stephenie Meyer on her website, the apple "represents "forbidden fruit." I used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because I loved the phrase "the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil." Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots. You've got the apple in Snow White, one bite and you're frozen forever in a state of not-quite-death... Then you have Paris and the golden apple in Greek mythology—look how much trouble that started. Apples are quite the versatile fruit. In the end, I love the beautiful simplicity of the picture. To me it says: choice."
And Bella's choice in the first book/film, of course, is to be with Edward and risk all the danger that he himself poses and that he brings with him or to stay away from him and stay safe.
We'll see how her choice plays out through the course of this #TwilightForever marathon, won't we?
Gossip Ghoul.
"But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die.
Genesis 2:17."
This quote mirrors the apple on the cover of the book. According to author Stephenie Meyer on her website, the apple "represents "forbidden fruit." I used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because I loved the phrase "the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil." Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots. You've got the apple in Snow White, one bite and you're frozen forever in a state of not-quite-death... Then you have Paris and the golden apple in Greek mythology—look how much trouble that started. Apples are quite the versatile fruit. In the end, I love the beautiful simplicity of the picture. To me it says: choice."
And Bella's choice in the first book/film, of course, is to be with Edward and risk all the danger that he himself poses and that he brings with him or to stay away from him and stay safe.
We'll see how her choice plays out through the course of this #TwilightForever marathon, won't we?
Gossip Ghoul.
#TwilightForever: My Inspired Look
Hello, everyone! I hope you’re excited to join me for my all day #TwilightForever marathon. I’m certainly excited about it myself. Of course, for the occasion I’ve put together a look. First things first, I spritz myself with Twilight Woods Diamond Mist from Bath & Body Works. That’s right – a sparkly shimmer fragrance on the wrists, neck, and décolletage. It’s quite a lovely scent, too.
Since I’ll be lounging in bed all day while working on this
blogging marathon, comfort is key to my clothing choices. Grey sweatpants are
an easy neutral, and fuzzy black socks keep my feet warm, since my roommates
keep blasting the air conditioning. I add a lacey black camisole topped with a
black t-shirt with the words “Yes, I’m In Love With A Vampire.” A very fitting
graphic tee, hmm?
I slept with my hair in braids, so I brush it out for soft
waves and add a black headband like Bella wears in the first movie. Bella wears
very natural makeup, so I apply a luminizing BB cream and blend concealer and
powder over my blemishes. I sweep a shimmering champagne shadow across my
eyelids, curl my lashes, and apply mascara. After sweeping a peachy-coral blush
across my cheeks, I color my lips with Revlon Just Bitten Stain+Balm in Twilight.
Red heart earrings and my Cullen Crest necklace are my
accessories, and I finish off the look with black nail polish, and dark red
polish on the accent nails. For a top coat I apply sparkly Luxe And Lush from
China Glaze’s Hunger Games collection.
Final touch? A blanket for extra comfort.
It’s going to be a good day.
Gossip GhoulThursday, April 24, 2014
#TwilightForever Movie Times
Hey, everyone! As I mentioned on Tuesday, this Saturday, April 26, is the #TwilightForever marathon! I'm really excited about it. Join me for a full day of live-tweeting and live-blogging! I think it's going to be a lot of fun. You can watch all five movies with me or pick and choose which ones you want to see. For clarification, I'm posting the start times of each movie below. Obviously I'm leaving a little bit of time in between each film to change discs, stretch legs, run to the bathroom, make more popcorn, etc. The whole thing should last from 10am-9pm. I've also included a teaser trailer and poster for each film.
1. Twilight: 10 am - 12:02 pm (122 mins). For this film I will be using the hashtags #TwilightForever #Twilight.
2. New Moon: 12:15 pm - 2:25 pm (130 mins). For this movie I'll be using #TwilightForever #NM.
3. Eclipse: 2:35 pm - 4:39 pm (124 mins). For this one I'll use #TwilightForever #Eclipse.
4. Breaking Dawn Part 1, Extended Edition: 4:45 pm - 6:49 pm (124 mins). For this film I'll be using #TwilightForever #BD1. Also, you don't have to watch the extended version if you don't have it, but that's the only version of BD1 that I own.
5. Breaking Dawn Part 2: 7:00 pm - 8:55 pm (115 mins). For this one I'll use #TwilightForever #BD2.
I look forward to sharing this marathon with you on Saturday!
Gossip Ghoul.
All pictures belong to Summit and to Little Brown.
2. New Moon: 12:15 pm - 2:25 pm (130 mins). For this movie I'll be using #TwilightForever #NM.
3. Eclipse: 2:35 pm - 4:39 pm (124 mins). For this one I'll use #TwilightForever #Eclipse.
4. Breaking Dawn Part 1, Extended Edition: 4:45 pm - 6:49 pm (124 mins). For this film I'll be using #TwilightForever #BD1. Also, you don't have to watch the extended version if you don't have it, but that's the only version of BD1 that I own.
5. Breaking Dawn Part 2: 7:00 pm - 8:55 pm (115 mins). For this one I'll use #TwilightForever #BD2.
I look forward to sharing this marathon with you on Saturday!
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Gif from Buzzfeed. |
Gossip Ghoul.
All pictures belong to Summit and to Little Brown.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Twilight Forever Blogging Marathon This Saturday!
I realize it's been awhile since I've posted. I can give all the excuses I've said so many times before. Life never gets easier, and when sleep's sweet siren call seems more persuasive than motivation for writing, sometimes things get pushed aside. I get so many thousands of ideas in the morning as I start work, but twelve hours later when I get home, I'm too exhausted to remember any of them. Or many other excuses get in the way.
So I've come up with an idea. I'm going to have a huge burst of blogging done in one day. I've been thinking about this for a while, but it was the misery I faced on Easter that made me realize how much I need this.
This Saturday, April 26, starting at 10 am Eastern Standard Time, I am going to marathon all five of the Twilight Saga films, and I will be live-tweeting and live-blogging the entire time. There will be posts here, on my Facebook, on my lesser used Tumblr, and particularly on Twitter. Please feel free to join in with the hashtag #TwilightForever. An interactive approach to this will make it even better, and I'd love to have some comments and feedback.
Spread the word: this Saturday is the #TwilightForever marathon! Watch any or all of the movies with me while is blog and tweet with a singular focus.
I feel like this is the jump start I need. The first Twilight book back in 2005 inspired me to write in genres besides high fantasy -- particularly urban fantasy, which is now the category under which most of my writing falls. Hopefully watching all five of the movies together (although they are far inferior to the books, I'll emphasize) will have a similar impact of inspiration to this writing.
Plus if a whole day of blogging and tweeting doesn't make up for this last hiatus, what will?
Talk to you Saturday!
Gossip Ghoul.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Fabulous Tip of The Day: Spring Blazer
Today's Fab Tip:
Now that the weather's getting warmer and (finally) springy, try brightening up your wardrobe as well.
"Instead of a denim jacket, try a blazer in light-catching violet."
-- Taken from Lucky magazine, April 2014, page 127.
A violet blazer can work both in professional and casual settings, and it is definitely something to have fun with.
Gossip Ghoul.
Now that the weather's getting warmer and (finally) springy, try brightening up your wardrobe as well.
"Instead of a denim jacket, try a blazer in light-catching violet."
-- Taken from Lucky magazine, April 2014, page 127.
A violet blazer can work both in professional and casual settings, and it is definitely something to have fun with.
Gossip Ghoul.
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