Hey, everybody! Only a few more days until Evil Walks premieres! Are you excited? I am. Excited and freaking out so much.
I just want to give a big shout-out to everyone who came to support me at Bloomingcon this weekend! Cosplaying fem!Castiel both days, I was selling bracelets and protection bottles for Hell's Bells and giving out free Tarot readings, as well as also running a booth of Japanese snacks and drinks for the Asian grocery store where I'm manager. It was a great weekend, so thank you everyone who came, and especially a big big thank you to the wonderful staff and fellow vendors and artists in the vendors' room with me! It was great working with all of you, and you were a wonderful help! I still have Hunter's Bracelets available to buy if anyone wants one, and of course if anyone wants a tarot reading, please contact me.
And don't forget: Hell's Bells' first book Evil Walks starts on Thursday!
Until later, then, readers!
Gossip Ghoul