Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Nightmare Begins Tomorrow

It's almost that time. October 1 is the release of my new horror and lesbian paranormal romance series, Hell's Bells. Chapters of the first book, Evil Walks, will be released weekly, so every Thursday check back here for a new installment!

The nightmare begins tomorrow.
The Two of Swords from the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot.

Gossip Ghoul

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thank You, Everyone At Bloomingcon!

Hey, everybody! Only a few more days until Evil Walks premieres! Are you excited? I am. Excited and freaking out so much.

I just want to give a big shout-out to everyone who came to support me at Bloomingcon this weekend! Cosplaying fem!Castiel both days, I was selling bracelets and protection bottles for Hell's Bells and giving out free Tarot readings, as well as also running a booth of Japanese snacks and drinks for the Asian grocery store where I'm manager. It was a great weekend, so thank you everyone who came, and especially a big big thank you to the wonderful staff and fellow vendors and artists in the vendors' room with me! It was great working with all of you, and you were a wonderful help! I still have Hunter's Bracelets available to buy if anyone wants one, and of course if anyone wants a tarot reading, please contact me.

And don't forget: Hell's Bells' first book Evil Walks starts on Thursday!

Until later, then, readers!

Gossip Ghoul