Sunday, January 27, 2013

So I'm Writing This Blog Thing

For the past maybe five years or so, I've wanted to write a blog. I have been trying to become a novelist for the past nine years. The big problem with this aspiration is that I'm never taking the time to write. School used to get in the way, and now work does, and by the time I get home from work each night my brain is too fried to come up with anything slightly intelligent, let alone good. The solution I came up with? Start a blog. That would force me to get into the habit of writing at least a few times a week and should hopefully get my creative juices flowing. At the very least trickling. That was the brilliant idea I came up with -- five years ago, as I said.

I ran into a few problems. Lack of Internet connection for more than a year is one example. It's just a bit difficult to write a blog if I can't actually, you know, post it. The biggest problem, however, was subject matter. From what I've seen, blogs that have a particular focus, like Cake Wrecks, tend to be some of the most entertaining and successful. Every time I came up with a great project to limit myself to, whether it was cooking or makeup or book discussions or whatever, I would inevitably discover that someone was already doing it -- and doing it better.

So I gave up for a while. I fell into a rut with work and spent every day in a depressed half-existence. Now, I'm going to say I woke up, like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. I'm going to write because I want to, and who cares if I'm not the best? Being a perfectionist hasn't gotten me anywhere. So what am I going to blog about? Whatever the hell I want!

This is Aurora Knightsblood, alias Gossip Ghoul, welcoming you to my world, my views, my interests, my words.

Gossip Ghoul

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