Thursday, February 7, 2013


So I haven't posted lately, one might have noticed. Between internet problems and life problems, I haven't been able to. I know that's no excuse after I made this commitment to writing a daily blog, especially since I have a week's worth of posts drafted in my notebook. I wanted to force myself to write everyday, and it wasn't even a week in before I failed. Like I seem to fail at almost everything.

It might be a tiny bit obvious from some of my previous posts and tweets that I have some depression issues. Just a bit. Writing always helps me through it, and so I was trying to rely on this. I placed a lot of hopes in this. Let's face it, though. I am never realistic. I always expect things to go well, and they never do. I can't just expect to start a blog and magically flourish as a writer overnight. I have to get my ass in gear and work at it, no matter how exhausted I am from working sixty hours a week and no matter no matter how many times I can't go home to my apartment because of altercations with the nasty FBRs I live with.

So here I am rededicating myself to this blog. Get to work, Aurora K. That's my new mantra. A daily blog might be too much for me to handle right now. *Cough* computer issues *cough* sixty work hours a week *cough.* Perhaps in the future, but for now, this will be a five posts a week thing.

If anyone out there is reading this, don't give up on me, whoever you are.

Gossip Ghoul.

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