Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fabulous Tip of the Day: Contouring Without Makeup

Today's Fab Tip:

Contouring your cheeks when you don't have any makeup? Sounds like a quick fix that's too good to be true. But I found this tip in Glamour UK, and it actually does work. This is meant to be a touch-up idea at work kind of thing, but you can easily do it anywhere on the go.

"Rest your elbows on the desk [or other flat surface], then position your cheekbones over your fingertips and relax forwards, so your fingertips go up and under your cheekbones. Hold this for a minute. Then cup your hands and rest your chin and jaw into them. The slight upward traction will stimulate your facial muscles."
-- Facialist Emma Hardie in Glamour magazine, UK edition, June 2015, p. 164.

Just a word of advice: don't do this if you have really long nails or, say, a jagged broken nail cuz you could accidentally scratch your face. And the contouring doesn't really stand out against a scratched, bleeding face. Just saying.

Have you tried this tip? Let me know if it works for you or not.

Gossip Ghoul.

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