Sometimes you go see a movie and just cannot stop singing afterward.
Pitch Perfect 2 is one of these. The songs were so much fun. The whole movie was fun, really. I had a great time watching it and laughed so much. Elizabeth Banks, Anna Kendrick, and Rebel Wilson are freaking awesome and totally crack me up.
All gifs and pictures from Tumblr. |
One thing that made me happy was that
Pitch Perfect 2 averted what I call Sequel Syndrome, in which the sequel recycles the exact same plot and jokes from the first movie. The Trebles were no longer the main rivals. Lincoln Center was mentioned, but it wasn't a bit deal. Beca and her boyfriend didn't have any romantic drama. Beca's storyline wasn't about fitting in and finding her place at school; it was about finding her way on her career path after college while balancing her time with her friends. The Bella's theme wasn't about finding a new sound; it was about finding harmony and coming together.
Fat Amy got more focus in this film (yay!) and got the romantic subplot (We Belong!!), and newcomer Hailee Steinfeld's addition to the Bellas felt natural, as did the Latina girl who's name I forget and her running gags. Also, the "I'm Jessica!" joke was an excellent lampshading moment of how Ashley and Jessica's characters are interchangeable and unimportant. Additionally, I was very pleased to see Anna Camp return. I was worried she wouldn't be in the film since I didn't see her in the trailers, but she was, and she got to so sing (yay!).
And awkward Anna Kendrick is just completely adorkable. Love, love, love!
All in all, it was a really fun movie that I genuinely enjoyed, and I'd put it on par with the first movie. Have you seen
Pitch Perfect 2 yet? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments, or tweet me @ak_gossipghoul.
Gossip Ghoul
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