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30. War Machine's confusion upon seeing Vision for the first time. Nobody updated him on what had happened, and suddenly Vision bursts in and finishes off War Machine's fight, and Rhodey's just like "What?"
29. "Ek-shel-shior!" Stan Lee Cameos are always great, and they've gotten more and more amusing over the years. Drunken Stan Lee was particularly awesome.
28. "Were you napping?" Thor taking just a few seconds too long (in Cap's opinion) to save a car that's fallen off a bridge.
27. Pietro's "What the hell, man?" type expression when grazed by a bullet.
26. Thor "has no regard for lawn care."
25. Sassy Banner and Tony's argument. "Not when I've created a murderbot!"
24. "Wounded screams." Thor backpedaling and trailing off awkwardly when telling Banner of the Hulk's destruction.
23. Quicksilver attempting to grab Mjolnir and falling.
22. Ultron attempting to apologize to Ulysses Klaue after ripping off his arm.
21. "Cuttlefish!" Essentially Andy Serkis's entire performance.
20. "JARVIS is my co-pilot" bumper sticker. I want this bumper sticker for myself.
19. "He's multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit." I totally choked on my Sprite at this line.
18. "It's full of people..." A SHIELD agent struggling to come up with the right saying.
17. "No one would know." Hawkeye wanting to shoot Quicksilver in the back.
16. "Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep." and "I'm sorry." from the Hulk-buster fight.
15. "NO SURRENDER!... I'm going to surrender." Baron Von Strucker was really funny in his few brief moments.
14. Thor: "No one has to break anything."
Ultron: "Clearly you've never made an omelet."
Tony: "He beat me by one second."
13. "Fortunately I am mighty!" Oh, are you now, Thor?
12. "Boom! You looking for this!" War Machine's face when people finally laugh at his story. He's like, yeah! I'm funny, dammit!
11. "Jane is better." I just love the manliness competition between Tony, Thor, and Cap (although Steve wasn't a part of that scene). To quote Maria Hill, "Cough, testosterone, cough!"
10. Thor's face when for a moment he thinks Steve is going to be able to lift Mjolnir. That whole scene was funny, really, but Thor's expression was the best. The beginning of this video has an edited clip of that scene:
9. "For gosh sake watch your language!" I love everyone mocking Cap for his "Language!" comment.
8. "Steve, he said a bad language word!" Maria Hill joins in on the mocking Cap fun.
7. Thor stepping on a Lego and kicking it out of sight before anyone notices.
6. "Please be a secret door. Please be a secret door. Yay!" That little squeal Tony does when he says "Yay!" is just freaking adorable.
5. "Good talk." "No, it wasn't!" Both times I went to see AoU, the whole audience laughed at "Good talk" and laughed even harder at the pained response.
4. Banner: "How is he?"
Tony: "Unfortunately he's still Barton."
Banner: "That's terrible."
I just love Science Bros interactions!
3. "I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Ultron's not your typical villain.
2. "Elevator's not worthy." Steve and Tony trying to justify their not being able to lift Thor's hammer.
Although I will also remind everyone of this justification of not being able to use the hammer:
1. Vision picking up Mjolnir, and everybody's shocked expressions at it. It's a moment where you gasp in shock (Oh My God, did that just happen? Did that seriously happen?) and laugh at the same time. That was definitely one of the best parts of the movie.
What were your favorite Avengers: Age of Ultron moments, funny or otherwise? Let me know in the comments, or tweet me @ak_gossipghoul.
Gossip Ghoul
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